
A modern approach to the practice of law.

Attorneys are problem-solvers. To do this well requires a significant amount of trust and respect on both sides of the attorney-client relationship. Perhaps the most important thing that Kate brings to her practice is the understanding that, while every case presents a unique set of facts, every client is ultimately seeking the same thing: to be heard.

Clients deserve an attorney who will listen to them, fight for them, and be honest with them.

Further, leveraging technology to maximize the ease and efficiency with which a client's case is handled should be a baseline expectation. The world is changing; attorneys must change with it.

Areas of Practice

Family Law


Kate’s primary practice area is family law. She has litigated hundreds of cases in family court. This includes custody and visitation matters, child support, orders of protection, and paternity issues.

Parental Defense


While matters involving the child protective system are often resolved in family court, parental defense should be held out as a distinct practice area. It is a highly technical area of law that many traditional family law attorneys do not practice. Kate has more than a decade of experience defending parents against allegations of child neglect and abuse in family court and helping families navigate the child protective system.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not currently accepting new divorce clients.